Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ngangkung n haunted changi

ngangkung n haunted changi.
actually, last week pergi tengok crita ngangkung.
masa dengar perkataan 'ngangkung' tu,kepala dh pusing2 nak tahu apa tu ngangkung? 
pelik sangat bunyinya.serius, memang xpernah dengar pun perkataan tu.
then, bila dah tengok crita ngangkung tu barulah tahu apa ngankung tu sebenarnya.
ngangkung tu rupanya perbuatan main nombor ekor n pegi minta no. ekor kat hantu.
crita ngangkung ni jenis komedi seram.
dari awal crita smpi hbis crita asyik gelak je..gelak tengok lawak pelakon2 n hantu2 yang ada.
even crita ni jenis komedi seram but still ada moral value yang nak disampaikan pada penonton.
iaitu jangan mengangkung n jangan main no. ekor. HARAM hukumnya.
garapan cerita ini boleh dikatakan menarik n pelakon2nya semuanya berjaya bawa watak dengan baik skali.
congratz untuk team ngangkung.

semalam plak, plannya nak pergi tgok crita rapunzel.
tapi bila sampai alamanda tiket rapunzel dah sold out.serius patah hati.
siapa suruh xbook tiket awal2.kempunan jadinya.
so, last2 pilihlah tengok crita haunted changi coz dah xada pilihan lain.
yang lain ada tapi crita 2 alam.oh no!!!!!serius xmahu nak tengok crita tu!!!
start2 je crita haunted changi ni, my first impression adalah crita ni sama dengan crita paranormal xtvt.
awal2 crita cam blaja sejarah pula, coz dia ceritakan penubuhan hospital changi tu dari world war 2..
oh no!!!!aku dah start rasa BOSAN.
then,one guy dalam crita changi tu namanya farid, tapi tatu n tinik penuh satu badan.
n dia juga pakai tangkal dari tibet.kononya tuk protect dia dari hantu2 kat changi hospital tu.
serius konfius mamat ni islam ke apa???
sebabkan bosan punya pasal, laju aja aku makan popcorn.
nak tido seat pula xbest.so, last2 kena layan gak.
30 minit yang terakhir barulah critanya best tp xberapa nak best sangat juga.
even this story from the real footage of the team tapi still ada beberapa perkara yang was-was.
still xberapa nak percaya dengan apa yang berlaku.
senang sangat dia capture gambar hantu guna sensor haba n infrared camera.
entahlah, fikirlah sendiri siapa yang dah tengok crita ni.
tapi apa yang jelas dalam crita ni, bila kita terlalu berani, akhirnya ia membawa padah pada diri sendiri.
n bila menjadi terlalu pasif juga ia turut memakan diri.

p/s:say no to judi.always believe in ALLAH...:)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


p.s. i love u, unstoppable marriage n just married
cerita cinta yg aku layan after exam n be4 blik ke ukm.
at last!!!!!!all bout love n marriage.
of corze!!! i need to think bout it.
coz aku dh smkin dewasa.
n tadi mse pergi wedding anak nanny adik aku,
soalan yg kerap ditanya...
dah ada bf?
bila nak kahwin?
oh no!!!! i really hate those questions.
blaja xhbis lagi org dh sibuk tnya bila nak kawen.
tnyalah soalan bout aku nak keje apa or bila convo?
ni tnya soalan yg aku mmg akan jwab xtahu.
n terserah pada jodoh n ketentuan TUHAN.
tp nk buat cmne..umur cm aku nie mmg dh layak tuk kawen.
n xlama lagi sepupu ku pon nak kawen lagi.
n mst kna tnya soalan yg sama.
oh no!!!! im ady sick of it!!!!
im just 21 year old.but...
yg pasti jodoh tu xkan kemana mana.
andai itu sudah ketentuanNYA.
pasti aku akan kawen jua :)

p.s. i love u
Gerry Kennedy: Dear Holly, 
I don't have much time. I don't mean literally,
 I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon.
 But I have a feeling this is the last letter, 
because there is only one thing left to tell you. 
It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, 
you can take care of yourself without any help from me.
 It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me.
 You made me a man, by loving me Holly. 
And for that, I am eternally grateful... literally. 
If you can promise me anything, promise me that 
whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, 
that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. 
Thank you for the honor of being my wife.
 I'm a man with no regrets. 
How lucky am I. 
You made my life, Holly.
 But I'm just one chapter in yours. 
There'll be more.
 I promise. 
So here it comes, the big one.
 Don't be afraid to fall in love again. 
Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. 
P.S. I will always love you.

just married

Tom is a sports announcer who comes from blue-collar roots. 
Sarah is a writer whose family is as wealthy as it is snobbish.
 Much to her family's--and ex-boyfriend's--horror, 
Sarah and Tom fall in love and get married.
 Following their wedding, Tom and Sarah set off for what they expect 
to be the perfect honeymoon; however, 
thanks to her conspiring family and vindictive ex, 
the happy couple experiences the honeymoon from hell.

Just Married Poster

unstoppable marriage

Madama Shim has four sons. 
Their names are Ki Baek, Lee Baek, Sam Baek, and Sa Baek.
 Madam Shim’s eldest son, Ki Baek, 
falls in love with Goo Mi Ho, 
the daughter of her enemy, Goo Gook. 
Wang Sam Baek is the third son of Madam Shim. 
He becomes friends with Chae Jung Soo.
 His older Sam Baek falls in love with Jung Soo, 
a very pretty twenty-three year old hotel management student 
who studies at his mother’s hotel.
 Things get complicated as Ki Baek finds himself falling for Jung Soo as well. 
Soo Young and Yu Ri both like the fourth son of Madam Shim, Sa Baek.
 But Sa Baek doesn’t return their feelings and tries to ignore them at all costs.

p.s.: sometimes words just can't explain;L.O.V.E.

Friday, November 12, 2010

last paper+drama coffee prince :)

semuanya menggambarkan perasaan aku ktika ini.
alhamdullilah, hbis jga exam tuk sem nie.mnjadi org trakhir hbis exam ni mmg perit.
org lain dh bleh duk senang lenang, bergembira n blik.n aku kna mngadap buku tuk last sbjek..
serius byak dugaan n memeritkan.tp smuanya berjaya diatasi..

teruja juga nk msuk sem 6 coz ia akan jd sem terakhir pembelajaran ijazah d sni.
teruja nk buat LI n teruja nk CONVO!!!!siapa sangka cpat btul mse berlalu..
be4 paper terakhir hari ni, smalam smpat gak hbiskan crita coffe prince..
even cter bkan cter baru, tp sblum ni mmg xda kesempatan nk tgok cter tu..

teruja.teruja n happy!!!!!cte yg cool n i really like it..
hahahhaaa...suka sgat character hero dlam cter tu..
kalolah bisa aku dpatkan lelaki yg mcm tu...uih, perasan tol!!!
tp hero tu mmg ada ciri2 laki idaman aku plus dia pnya figure pon not so bad..(gila gatal!!)
cte tu mmbuatkan aku realize yg appearance bkanlah tiket tuk suka seseorag..
yg penting attitude n character kita..cara pembawakan diri yg berjaya..n disenangi..
oh, i really luv it..cool n sempoi..
honestly, mmg tgah teruja ngan cte nie..dh repeat faverat scene byak kali dh...
seriously, im fall in love wif the hero...hahahhaaa..

inilah hero coffee prince...suka character yg dia bawa dlam drama tu...


yang nie pon hensem n character dia pon best jgak...LIKE IT :)
overall, drama coffee prince ni sgat best..BEST n best!!!!!


p/s: bg yg blum tgok drama ni, silalah tgok..sure best n layan :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


tgok tjuk mcm perlawanan bola or badminton plak.
actually, smalam mmg xda keje duk g compare hero ngara mana yg hensem,
bcoz aku xminat sgat org jepun ,so hero jepun xtermasuk except for TAKEISHI KANESHIRO.
by the way, hero korea kbyakan nya lagi hensem compare to hero taiwan..hahahhaaa..
hero2 korea kbyakan muka2 dia cute2 sgat n pnya personaliti yg menarik.mmg sah dh gila laya cter korea jer!!!
antara hero2 korea yg hensem adalah....



hero2 taiwan yag hensem plak antaranya....

nilah antara hero2 korea n taiwan yg hensem n popular..mostly, hero korea much more better.
inilah akibatnya duk stalker hero2 korea n taiwan...
tuk hero2 malaysia, uolz hensem jga ea..;p