Sunday, October 24, 2010


rupa-rupanya ia tjuk muvie..
honestyly, i didnt realize bout it
pttlah rse mcm pernah dgar je nama nie
tjuk nie mmg sweet sgat
n red is one of my faverat color

Merah Itu Cinta tells a love story from a red hair girl named Raisa (Marsha Timothy). She is waiting for her fiancé, Rama (Yama Carlos) to come back. But instead comes back, Raisa receives message that says that Rama is pass away. In her deep grieve the only one stay beside her is her best friend Fanny (Inong). But she still cannot forget Rama until she meets her old friend from junior high school, Aria (Gary Iskak). Aria slowly takes Raisa’s heart but something mysterious from Rama’s death still haunted Raisa.

yg pling best dr crita ni
Raisa tu colorkan rmbut dia wrna merah slpas dpat thu yg Rama dh xda
merah yg terang.sweet
n very attractive
sbab tu kot tjuk dia merah itu cinta
warna hati katakan....
crita nie dh penah tyang kat tv
tp xingat sgat dh crita dia cmne
tp ending dia happylah
even mulanya ingat crita ni sad ending
basically, crita ni ok2 saja
kiranya muvie kat malaysia still ada value n lgi bgus

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